Present: Leslie Herzog, Chris Rogers, Kevin Stoer, Jan Clingman
Affiliate call – Leslie will attend the national call tonight. She also invited any of us board members to participate if we are interested. Ask about shearing tips. Ask for tips for getting memberships, raising revenues. Also ask about our territory being the Great Lakes area.
Shearing – Kevin is providing masks and gloves for everyone, and providing food to go so people can take it home after. Leslie will ask the affiliates for any tips for shearing amid the virus. Jan will also have masks and practice social distance. Anyone who is sick should stay home. Leslie read about virus on surfaces, and the risk is minimal. Most of the risk is from sneezing, coughing, breathing in the virus.
Election – Jan (Treasurer) and Leslie (Vice President) positions are open, as well as the vacant president term. They will submit candidate statements and send out to membership. They will also invite anyone else interested in running to send a statement to Jan. We can also add a write-in section. Jan will then set up the vote and a deadline for returning ballots (via electronic voting).
Seminar costs – January seminar costs: $1047. Revenue $507. Checking $9067, PayPal $2000+. CDs $7000. Total $18,000 +. Discussion about how we can attract members and raise more funds so we don’t run out of funds in the future. Discussion ensued re states in our membership area. We do have members from Illinois and Minnesota.
Next meeting: May 19, 10 AM
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM
Respectfully submitted by Chris Rogers, Secretary