Present – Kevin, Jan, Chris, Elden
Absent – Margery
2025 Show – Elden discussed updates. Check-in bottlenecks on Friday PM is an issue, so maybe try to get two vets, and use several different doors. Also discussed making it more convenient to get to the ring from the stalls. Registration opened last week.
Jan – collabortion among affiliates. Jan spoke with Michigan and Ohio reps and discussed preference to collaborate on an education event, probably live and attend in person, possibly at a large farm, 2-day event, to make it extensive. Further info will be upcoming. Topics – vets bring in the most members. Possible topic: animal chiropractors and acupuncturists, especially for the elderly alpacas we have. Other topics can be suggested.
GLAA – $18872.00 assets after expenditures. Jan will send out renewal notices in Dec.
Alpacas Social Media Campaign – Waiting for response from AOA Board.They meet this week. Elden participates in Affiliate calls, all have similar issues with low participation, volunteerism, responding to requests.
Open Herd – experienced technical problems, so will be doing renewals on our own system while they work out the tech. Membership runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31.
Spring seminar- tabled due to pursuing collaboration with other states.
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM
Next meeting January 20, 2025, 6PM
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Christine Rogers.