Present – Kevin, Jan, Chris, Elden, Margery
2025 Show – Progressing nicely, volunteers are working hard. Vendor space will be maximized. Working on entrances and exits to maximize convenience. Also discussing placement of animal stalls adjacent to ring, perhaps add an aisle between them.
Alpacas Social Media Campaign – What role should GLAA take on in terms of the social media campaign Rebecca Gill and Elden are working on? Working on getting word out about all things alpacas. Had one video call with some affiliates and discussed early ideas. Approached AOA, sent questions back and forth, but haven’t heard back and haven’t put this on their agenda until much later, so Elden and Rebecca looked at setting up something else. Perhaps GLAA could be an umbrella organization and handle the funding, Jan is willing. Target contribution from affiliates could be $1000, and they would get listings and links to various alpaca resources. Rebecca has expertise and contacts to people who could set up the website. Goal is $40,000 to hire the expert to build the site. The ultimate concept is a means to grow the alpaca industry. (See motion below.)
Collaboration among affiliates – Jan has no update, progress stalled at getting out a survey. She will reconnect.
GLAA Election – Will bring up at next meeting. Need to find a member to head the election committee (Chris will check with Brook) and determine whose terms are up for re-election.
Spring seminar – still undecided if we will hold our own or work with other affiliates. Jan will be contacting the other affiliates for further information. She will also send out a reminder to renew memberships.
Motion: Elden moved that GLAA agrees to be the umbrella organization for the alpaca social media campaign, including managing funds and overseeing the project. Margery seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM
Next meeting February 17, 2025, 6PM
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Christine Rogers.