After a quiet summer with no news, September came around and with it some news to share.
Dr. Purdy asked that we share this message in our newsletter for this very worthwhile cause. GLAA Board voted to give a $200 donation.
We have launched a campaign to help raise funds for our next veterinary trip to Peru in December 2017.
Each trip we make to Peru requires significant financial expense to provide travel, lodging, and food, salary for staff, in addition to rental of 4WD trucks, fuel, and drivers to make the visits to the farms. Other costs include local guides, translators, tents, food for the entire team, and other transportation when necessary. The communities we visit receive our services for free as part of our herd improvement programs. We do not receive support from any Peruvian organizations because it does not exist for this important work which makes a huge difference in the lives of the farm families we service.
Please visit our GoFundMe Campaign page (www.gofundme.com/help-for-peruvian-alpaca-herders) to read all about our upcoming trip today.. Your donation will go a long way to help the rural Peruvian alpaca herders and their families.
Thank you for your support!
Stephen R. Purdy, DVM
President Nunoa Project Peru
Director North American Camelid Studies Program
Adjunct Associate Professor UMass Amherst
150 Fearing Street #1, Amherst MA 01002
We had our first conference call on September 6th. There were only 9 affiliates present. AOA has changed the format, back to what it was about 5 years ago and now is allowing us present to comment or raise concerns on items. Ever since I have been involved, we could only listen. AOA is wanting our comments and also your concerns. One thing of note was that the Registry this year is at 50% less retest. They had id a marker that caused the problems and have changed it to a different marker in the certifying process. Also, any member that would like pr help, AOA wants and is willing to help, all you need do is contact them.
We are in need of a few volunteers to serve on our Nomination Committee. If interested, please contact Chris Rogers at bapackerfan@aol.com . There are two spots up for reelection. Any member interested in running for a seat, must submit their bio to the Nomination Committee.
2018 GLAA Winter Seminar, January 27, 2018
Our Speaker:
Dr. Norm Evans received his DVM degree from Auburn University in 1968. He started a mixed practice which became a 5-person practice. He did embryo transfer in cattle for 8 years and has done camelids for 29 years. Since 1996, his practice has been 100% camelid. He is author of 3 editions of The Alpaca Field Manual. While retired from active practice, he still works full time with field research of how an alpaca’s fiber production is affected by environment, male and female genetic traits as well as nutritional influences as measured by the skin biopsy and histogram.
The seminar this year is being held at a lecture hall 210 in the Animal Science Building at UW-Madison. We are holding the seminar there because we are offering veterinary students this seminar for free. Ticket information will be posted closer to the event date.
Topics selected for the seminar are:
- Alpaca Nutrition
- Parasites & Medications
- Herd Health
- Biopsies (if time permits)
Seminar cost will be $50 for 2018 GLAA members, $60 for 2018 members from neighboring affiliates and $130 for non-members.
Handcrafter’s Spin-off
Judged by certified AOA Spin-Off Judge Judy Glazer
Register for the Spin-Off online at http://wisconsinalpacafiberfest.com/ starting November 1!!
Spin-off entry deadline is January 20, 2018. Mail your spin-off entries by January 30 to
Chris Rogers
Whisper Meadows Alpacas
4451 Whisper Lane
De Pere, WI 54115
so we can get them to the Judge by early February.
All Spin-off entries must include:
(1) 2 oz. fiber sample, WEIGH CAREFULLY
(2) Copy of alpaca’s ARI certificate
(3) Color photo of alpaca (3 ½ X 5 or 4 X 6)
(4) Spin-off Entry Tag (print-off from online registration site)
(5) Check for $35 per entry to Wisconsin Alpaca & Fiber Fest (plus $8 for mailing back all entries)
Mail Spin-off entries by January 30, 2018 to:
Chris Rogers
Whisper Meadows Alpacas
4451 Whisper Lane
De Pere, WI 54115
Halter and Fleece show opens February 1st 2018. Judge is Peter Kennedy. The show has different pens this coming year with the show going with Kritter Keepers. There is limited pen space (268), so register early. Show also has a new website that is still being built.