Present: Leslie Herzog, Chris Rogers, Kevin Stoer, Jan Clingman
Treasurers report – Jan reported approx $18,000 balance.
Seminar: January 25, 2020. Shauna Brummet, Making Sense of EPDs. Shauna sent the contract. Jan has been in contact with her, flight is set, room is set at Crown Plaza. Jan will pick her up and drop off, hotel is near airport. Kevin got the hotel rate contract. Registrations are slow. Send out another blast.
Contribution to the show? GLAA membership is going down, so perhaps we need to reduce our contribution. We can increase our silent auction to seminars and memberships, (3 seminars/memberships). With the show going back to Madison this year it may be wise to stay as a sponsor and test the waters. We do have a duty to keep the GLAA afloat and need to consider the ability to keep sponsoring the show. Jan motioned/Kevin seconded to a $500 sponsorship and 3 silent auction memberships to include the seminar. Motion passed.
Vacant position for President – article in newsletter. No response yet.
Next meeting – January 14, 2020- 10AM.
Meeting adjourned at 10:34