Meeting convened at 10 a.m.
Present: Leslie Herzog, Chris Rogers, Kevin Stoer, Jan Clingman
Treasurers Report: $2009.88 in PayPal. CD $6000. Checking $10,572.
Seminar: January 25, 2020. Shauna Brummet, Making Sense of EPDs.
Shauna still hasn’t sent the contract so Leslie will contact her again. She was here before. Kevin got the contract for the UW room, lecture hall where Dr. Evans was. Check urls in newsletter that they work. Leslie will ask her about travel arrangements. Jan will pick her up and drop off, hotel near airport. Look for Friday arrival and Sunday departure (Kevin?).
West Bend show (moving to Madison, New Holland Center) – put an article in newsletter about GLAA a membership and benefits. Also looking for nominations committee members and candidates for board. Also ask about a survey for fleece show.
Vacant position for President – article in newsletter.
Next meeting – week of Dec 16 – 10AM.
Meeting adjourned at 10:26.