Attendance: Jim Konyn, Kevin Stoer, Jan Clingman, Chris Rogers
Treasurer report – Jan sent the report. As well as the 2018 Form 990N Tax Return for the 503c.
Recap of seminar – Cheryl Gehly, All About Fleece It was very good. Cheryl did a good job, and we all learned something new, and got a lot of information! The hands-on was great. Kevin’s niece Deanna did a great job organizing the University details, the facility was excellent. The breakfast and lunch were great too. Thanks, Leslie, for the breakfast. Jan got nine surveys back, will resend.
Next year’s seminar info should be getting out soon. Jim contacted Shauna Brummet for the 2020 seminar (EPD’s). Fee is $500 a day plus hotel/travel from Ohio. Check if she charges for travel day. Jim will have her send us her contract, and will get a “Save the Date” notice for the West Bend show in April.
Election – we still have no candidates who have contacted Brook or myself for the soon to be vacant position.
Chris will bring the GLAA exhibit and banner for the show.
Next meeting will be April 15, 2019, 6:30 PM.
Meeting adjourned at 6:56 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary