Present- Leslie Herzog, Jan Clingman, Kevin Stoer, Elden Harms
Discussion items:
- Seminar Update
- GLAA made a down payment to reserve the seminar room at Creekside Place in Evansville, WI. The reservation fee was discounted due to GLAA’s non-profit status.
- Creekside Place will provide a screen and a projector.
- The menu will include a continental breakfast and soup and sandwich choice for lunch.
- Ronelle and Elden Harms will investigate food catering options in the Evansville area.
- Elden will investigate overnight accommodations.
- Jan will update the GLAA website with the latest information as it is provided.
- Kevin will contact the speaker again in January to provide him with updated seminar information.
- WISAFF Update
- As of December 23rd, there was no response from the Alliance Center regarding an in-person visit, despite repeated calls from Elden.
- The show committee will investigate the use of hard packed dirt for the show ring floors, including any cost or responsibility for removal at the end of the show.
- Alliance Center will provide 10’ wide x 5’ tall panels for stalls that can hold up to 4 animals each.
- Marjory Morack has been calling potential show sponsors and sending out sponsorship emails with details.
- Treasurers Report – Refer to Jan’s email dated 19DEC2022.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 AM.
Next meeting January 16, 2023, 9 AM.
Respectfully submitted by Leslie Herzog, President