Present: Leslie Herzog, Chris Rogers, Kevin Stoer, Jan Clingman
Feedback on the seminar – all liked it and felt it was informative, and always something new. Jan sent out the survey responses.
Jan mailed out the packets to those who couldn’t attend the seminar, and also sent Shauna’s email in case of questions.
Seminar: January 30 2021 – Kevin contacted Paul Meagher – he would like to do it. Construct survey questions for veterinary topics. Market at the April show – Kevin will get a bio from Dr. Paul. See if we can get a card in the Springfield show – Kevin is going. Kevin will see if Deanna can get the room for next year.
Wisconsin Alpaca and Fiber Fest – Chris has the GLAA banner and the display, and will set it up at the show. Jan will print off more membership forms.
Contribution to the show $500 sponsorship and 3 silent auction memberships to include the seminar. Chris will add them to the auction at the show.
Vacant position for President – article in newsletter. Brook will remain on the election committee. Terms of board members:
Jan came on in 2017
Chris ran in 2018
Kevin ran in 2018
Leslie ran in 2017
President open 2020
So it looks like Jan and Leslie are due for running again. Both of them are going to run again, and we will ask for people to run for the vacant position. Chris will get the election timetable going.
Next meeting – March 17, 2020- 10AM.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30AM.