Attendance: Chris Rogers, Leslie Herzog, Kevin Stoer, Jan Clingman
Election update: Leslie sent in her candidate statement. One possible other candidate.
2021 seminar: discussion ensued re proceeding with preparations. Kevin has talked with Dr. Meagher and confirmed he will speak. Continue preparations.
EPD company in New Zealand confirmed. Should GLAA put out a notice? Most who use EPDs will know, and AOA has put out notice, so no need for GLAA to put one out.
Does anyone know about Alpaca Nation website going down? They went out of business. Jan contacted them and found out they had technical issues and lost all the information. Their back-up company is disputing information, and Alpaca Nation has no contact information for any of their customers. Possibly try googling “way-back machine” for a copy.
Next meeting is July 21, 10AM
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary