GLAA Meeting November 3, 2020 10 A.M.
Board Members Present: Leslie Herzog, Chris Rogers, Kevin Stoer, Jan Clingman
1) Treasurer’s Report – Jan sent the treasurers report.
2) Marketing Fiber Ideas (e.g., coops, online resources) for selling fiber – New England fiber coop is an option. Liz Valkamp has a suri marketing company (North American Suri Company) 50lbs she will pay shipping (can combine with other farms). Shipping fleece and products is getting more expensive. Georgia Meyer buys huacaya for socks. If we learn of other fiber buyers, let Leslie know. She will put together an article for the newsletter.
3) Other Topics – We will start planning for January 2022 seminar, and hopefully they will have a vaccine by then. Kevin will reach out to Paul Meagher to reschedule the veterinary seminar. It would be January 29, 2022. Weather may be a problem, but when isn’t it?! Stay tuned. Kevin’s niece Dana is graduating this year from UW Madison Vet School. We would like to make her an honorary member of GLAA for all the help she has given us. Kevin will check with her.
Jan will look at our website for area to advertise hay for sale.
Next meeting: December 15, 10 AM
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM
Respectfully submitted by Chris Rogers, Secretary
President – Leslie Herzog 847-702-7731
Vice President – Kevin Stoer 920-593-3232
Treasurer – Jan Clingman 608-576-8607
Secretary – Chris Rogers 920-639-8464
At-Large – Vacant