Welcome to the Fall of 2020! We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Your Board of Directors has been meeting regularly via teleconference and has the following news for you.
GLAA 2020 Election Results
We are pleased to announce that board members Jan Clingman and Leslie Herzog have been re-elected to the GLAA Board of Directors for two-year terms.
In addition, Leslie Herzog has agreed to serve as GLAA President. Leslie previously served as Vice President and, most recently, as Interim President. Kevin Stoer will replace Leslie as Vice-President. Previously, Kevin served as member-at-large.
The 2020-2021 GLAA board members are:
- President – Leslie Herzog prez@greatlakesalpaca.com
- Vice President – Kevin Stoer viceprez@greatlakesalpaca.com
- Treasurer – Jan Clingman treasurer@greatlakesalpaca.com
- Secretary – Chris Rogers secretary@greatlakesalpaca.com
- Member-At-Large – Open
One board seat remains vacant. Any GLAA member interested in serving on the board should contact one of the board members.
January 2021 GLAA Seminar Cancellation
The GLAA Board has made the difficult decision to cancel the annual winter seminar due to the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the board will continue to monitor CDC recommendations and assess the feasibility of holding an educational seminar later in 2021.
2021 GLAA Membership Dues Waiver
Taking into consideration the cancellations of shows, seminars and sponsorships this year, the board has unanimously decided to waive the membership dues in 2021 for active GLAA members. Active members in 2020 will see their membership extended through 2021.
Also, anyone can join GLAA before December 31, 2020 for $25. You will then be active for 2020 and have your membership extended through 2021! And yes, inactive members are eligible for this option. (An annual membership is normally $50.) Join us here!!
If you have any issues with the website, please email treasurer@greatlakesalpaca.com.
Leslie Herzog, President