Present – Jan, Leslie, Kevin, Chris, Elden
Seminar March 4, 2023. Evansville Creekside Community Center responded to Elden’s and Kevin’s query, and info was sent. Room cost is $588, and food can be catered in. Discussion re cost, location, catering, and equipment needs. We will confirm Creekview as the location and send deposit. Possibly need to rent equipment, or Kevin might be able to use UW Extension’s lend/loan equipment. Elden is familiar with a couple of the caterers. Kevin will check into prices and menus. Looking for Ideas for reaching out to new alpaca owners. Have people save the date. Speaker is Dr. Randy Larson, Veterinarian Current (Health?) Issues in the Alpaca Industry. Date is March 4, 2023. Kevin received topic ideas from Dr. Larson, and shared. Will most likely include:
-Update on small coccidia (don’t forget about Emac!)
-Resistant parasites on the move-especially Barber pole worm
-Lepto as a cause of abortions
-Immune compromised cria-a less expensive treatment than plasma
-Nutrition-cria growth rates, hay testing, feeding programs
WisAFF GMAF 2023 show is scheduled for last weekend in April. It is locked down. 2024 show, last weekend in April is penciled in. Elden contacted Margery for face-to-face meeting about 2023 show, she responded, and a meeting was set up with Elden, Kevin, and several WISFF members on July 18.
Leslie has newsletter ready to proof today, so let her know any suggestions.
Treasurer – Jan sent financial report.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM
Next meeting TBD 9:00 AM (after WISFF meeting)
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary