Present – Leslie, Kevin, Elden, Chris, Jan
Realignment of the GLAA Board
Annual meeting is at the 2024 show, so we will proceed with an election starting in October 2023 and held in March/April 2024.
Leslie will be leaving the board immediately. Thank you Leslie for your dedicated service. She has moved to Las Vegas and has a new job. Elden Harms motioned that Kevin be appointed President, Elden Vice President, Jan Treasurer, Chris Secretary, Director-at-Large TBD. Jan seconded. All in favor. Elden motioned to reach out to Margery Morack to join the Board and be appointed Director-at-Large. Jan seconded. All in favor.
September seminar
17 registered. Jan will send another email blast. Dr Randy will add information gleaned from his visit to Peru alpaca research station this summer. Kevin will get copies of the presentation. Location is Creekside, Elden will confirm logistics. Ronelle is handling food (light breakfast, lunch).
Next seminar
Possibly early March, 2024, possibly fiber topic, agritourism, multiple streams of income. Discussion ensued regarding various (3?) presenters and income-producing tactics. Schedule around various shows and holidays. Location – community center in a central location?
Meeting adjourned at 10:02 AM
Next meeting Sept TBD after contacting Margery.
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary