2023 July GLAA Board Minutes

GLAA Meeting July 17, 2023 

Present- Leslie, Jan, Chris, Elden 

Discussion items

Leslie is moving to Las Vegas in July and will step down as president. 

 Sept 30, 2023 seminar,  Evansville WI. Registrations at 13. Elden will contact Tom Olson and get emails out to show attendees. Elden and Ronelle are working on remaining minor logistics. 


Judges are being chosen. Committee members toured state fair grounds in May – not suitable for our show. Will negotiate with Alliant Center. Elden posed some questions about the spin-off for Chris and will bring info to the committee to decide whether to move forward. 

Jan will send info on Innovative Fleece Assessment. 2nd quarter financials were sent out July 8. 

AOA affiliate calls – Leslie is invited to them. Elden volunteered to attend the calls and will let Robin Gifford know. 

GLAA Election

GLAA needs to look at election cycle and length of terms and who is up for re-election. Jan will send the bylaws, and Chris will put together a timeline and contact Brooke Landeo about heading the selection committee. Will need to see who is up for reelection. Board members are by terms, officers are decided upon by the board. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 AM

Next meeting Monday, August 14 9AM 

Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary