Present – Margery, Kevin, Jan, Chris, Elden
Meeting called to order 6:04 PM
Margery Morack has joined the Board as Director at Large. Welcome and thank you Margery.
September seminar – Sept 30, Evansville, WI Creekside Community Center 8 am registration, seminar 8:30am.
17 registered. Jan sent another email blast. Dr Randy will add information gleaned from his visit to Peru alpaca research station this summer. Kevin has copies of the presentation and will get run off. Location is Creekside Community Center, Evansville, WI. Elden will confirm logistics. Ronelle is helping with food (light breakfast, lunch). 2 silent auction winners from the spring show have free attendance. Elden will contact small ruminants club at UW Madison. Margery suggested a targeted e-blast through AOA. Can purchase leads (non-member inquiries) – Jan will do. Our email list includes current and past members and others who have signed up for the newsletter. We can also try AOA eblast of members. People can write out their name tags.
Next seminar
Possibly any time between January to early March, 2024. Consider weather, Illinois show March 8-10. Add a question to the seminar evaluation as to time frame (Jan, March, Fall). Also ask for suggested topics. (Jan has a copy). Possible fiber topic, agritourism, multiple streams of income. Discussion ensued re various (3?) presenters and income-producing tactics. Elden contacted Buffy who said she would do it. Possibly Kevin on agritourism. Website and social media is another topic. Elden does monthly health inspection on each alpaca, could demonstrate. Schedule around various shows and holidays. Location – community center in a central location?
Elden would like a call on Oct 9, 6pm to discuss rebranding of GLAA. Also, welcome to the Board, Margery, and thank you!
Annual meeting is at the 2024 show, so we will proceed with an election starting in October 2023 and held in March 2024. Brooke Landeo has agreed to head the Election Committee to contact people interested in running for the board. Mention at the seminar.
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 PM.
Next meeting Oct. 9, 2023 6PM
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary