2023 October GLAA Board Minutes

Present – Margery, Kevin, Jan, Chris, Elden

Meeting called to order 6:04 PM

Old business

Seminar surveys (7) results – time of year could be different. All liked the location, food, and speaker. We all thought it was great. Questions for the speaker should be held until after the break so speaker gets a break (perhaps in a different room), and we can all hear the questions. Try to get access earlier and later for set-up and clean-up. Jan sent the financials, seminar info included. We will probably break even after paying speaker and his expenses. Facility and staff were excellent, and let Ronelle get in the day before, use refrigerator, dishwasher, etc. So convenient and nice! And no extra charge for kitchen. 

Discussion of reorganization/rebranding of GLAA 

GLAA put ads in the AOA magazine.  AOA has updated the primary contact information from Leslie to Kevin.  The cut off date for ads in Spring magazine is March 18 for the Spring edition out in May. Contact info is Jo Ashley, Advertising Manager

Current state of affiliates of interest

– The original footprint of GLAA includes New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota.

– Per information on the AOA website: Each of Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Michigan have affiliates specific to those states. Breeders in New York and Ohio have affiliates available to them that target multiple states.  Minnesota has only GLAA as an affiliate that targets that state. Elden has a list of breeders from Minnesota, some expressed interest in joining us. 

– Our name no longer reflects the geographic location of most of our members nor does the footprint reflect the pool of potential members. But changing the name would bring more issues. Maybe a new logo, graphics, updated look. 

Why reorganize and rebrand?

– Align our organization’s name and outreach with nearby states, being careful not to appear poaching members. 

– Reduce or eliminate ambiguity of what geographic areas we functionally serve.

– Provide for a fresh look and identity. With GMAF and WisAFF coming under this affiliate reorganization will offer that new look with a significantly new functionality, with the affiliate organizing and operating the shows. The show committee/board will remain intact and operate with a degree of autonomy. Discussion ensued re a bigger vision of getting more people involved in the affiliate and working on various projects, including the show. A revival vs rebranding might be a better path so we don’t lose what GLAA has done. Also need to find out about corp/tax/etc structure and rule changes. 

 – look at what will help the alpaca industry the most, such as if we have profits what to do with it? 

Possible Activities and steps: 

– Define geography of members
– New logo
– Consider what we want the affiliate to functionally be.
– Should we contact Minnesota breeders to gauge interest? Eldon agreed/volunteered to contact the Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois farms. Maybe get their email addresses from them, and then send them further questions about what could the services be. Stress our education component.

  • Seek a discussion with a fundraiser Elden knows. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM 
Next meeting November 13, 2023 6PM 

Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary