GLAA Minutes Nov 13 2023
Attendance Kevin, Elden, Margery, Jan, Chris
Discussion of how the alpaca show and GLAA would work together. Is it required to have 3 legal entities (GLAA, GMAF, WISAFF). Jan mentioned tax and revenue reporting requirements for the separate shows, and if it becomes part of GLAA the other two would need to be dissolved and the activities fall under GLAA. Margery suggested to check with AOA show division on how other shows are handling the multiple shows that regionals put on. Would it be more work to dissolve entities than to keep doing the same reports (probably). We agreed to keep things as is for now and if we need to change later then we can deal with it at that time.
Elden checked with possible members from Minnesota and Iowa. Found 17 Minnesota breeders and 10 Iowa breeders, left messages with most, and heard back from a few. He will compile an email to send to them re joining GLAA.
How should GLAA revitalize and expand? Graphic artist? New logo? Reach out to possible members with the new look and ideas. Elden will contact Brandy re graphics. Jan is looking at new platforms for our website other than word press.
Seminar costs and revenue will be sent by Jan. $1754, revenue $1017. Next seminar should be in spring working around Nationals (March 15-17), Mopaca (March 22-24) and Illinois (March 8-10), Futurity(April 19-22). So April 6, 2024.
Location – Evansville, Marshfield? Elden will check on availability of Creekside.
Show system insurance policy for show directors and officers, does GLAA need to be added? Jan will check.
Election – where are we at? Jan and Chris are running, we should notify Brook Landau.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM
Next meeting Dec 4, 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Christine Rogers.