GLAA April 22, 2024
Attending: Kevin, Jan, Elden, Chris
Absent: Margery
Seminar discussion –
Well received. Sessions were good, useful. Hands on with the alpacas was good. Attendance was low, would online be better? Possibly look at future offerings remotely. The knowledge is always needed, regardless of format. Six evaluations were returned, all excellent and good. Suggested topics – see below*. Presenters have been paid and expenses covered.
Show panels owned by the show and Larry Johnson, could be disposed of. Elden told a brief history of the panels, and are supposedly stored in a trailer in care of Larry Johnson. Possibly Tom Olson might know how many GMAF owns and what are they worth. After this show, let’s discuss more. Before that we need to find out more info. Suggest selling them.
Discussion ensued to clarify GLAA role in GMAF/WISAFF. The show committee would stay as is, and GLAA assist where we can, NOT run the show.
Elden will be there early a.m. Friday for a TV remote 5-7am. – free publicity!!
Geriatric Alpaca Care Pasture management Skirting fiber Ways to make money with alpaca other than agritourism Alpaca nutrition How to be better at handling an alpaca Cria care. I think you did this already but I wasn’t able to make it and I heard it was very educational. And that was from someone who has been in the industry a long time! I thought the seminar was awesome. I learned a great deal. The information was very timely and educational. Especially for someone like me being relatively new in the alpaca industry. | |
Meeting adjourned 6:53
Next meeting May 13, 6pm
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Christine Rogers.