GLAA Minutes January 22, 2024
Attendees: Kevin, Elden, Margery, Jan, Chris
Kevin talked about his trip to Peru. It was good. Elden will be shearing 5 llamas in Chicago for the llamas’ trip to Australia.
Show update – registrations are coming in slowly. Has two major sponsors, will contact more again. Looking at several more Suri groups to register, and looking for more registrations. Becky McMillan will take over Mark Shillcox’s duties. Needs ideas for dinner/entertainment. Elden suggested reaching out to UW Madison or other schools for textile program. Lynne Johnson has done a great job with the website!! Elden is an official show board member. Sand will not be in the arena, and stalls will be 12×12. Discussion is ongoing about the show rings surface. Chris reserved a table for GLAA display. Needs updating – logo, photos, etc. Elden suggested to wait until we choose new logo etc before we update. Tabletop, floor stand, lights are possibilities.
Seminar update – Next seminar will be at Creekside in Evansville on April 6, 2024, approximately 8-4. Kevin will have handouts printed, needs a week notice. Morning: 2 hours Rebecca Gill, from Cotton Creek Farms in Michigan re websites, marketing, social media, etc. is confirmed. 1.5 hr Her husband Jason is also confirmed to speak on the color genetics research done with Lynn Edens. Afternoon: 1hr Kevin will present on agritourism. Elden can do a panel for Q&A, including monthly check ups, hands-on alpacas (outdoors if weather permitting). Elden will ask Ronelle to help with the food again. We could have a table for attendees to market their literature and products, and also have a meet and get to know each other activity, prizes! Chris will take a stab at organizing it.
Jan and Chris are both running for their GLAA board positions. Members should receive another notice of interest to run for the Board and send their interest to Brook.
Elden devised an interest survey for possible members, Jan received 23 responses and sent to Elden. He will do an analysis.
Brandy is working on sample logos from which we can choose.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.
Next meeting Feb 19, 2024, 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Christine Rogers.