GLAA Minutes February 19, 2024
Attendees: Kevin, Elden, Margery, Chris
Excused: Jan
Show update – registrations are ahead of last year, not including board and committee members. 76 animals for halter, more are expected as many of the registered farms haven’t registered their animals. Looking for more suris. Paying sponsorships are down from last year, more are expected, need to encourage sponsors. Somewhat less vendors, Becky is working on it, will forward lists to us so we can help contact vendors. Kevin will forward Sheep and Wool Festival list of vendors.
Becky McMillan has taken over Mark Shillcox’s duties. Needs ideas for dinner/entertainment. Last year’s dinner (food!) was excellent!! Sand might be in the arena due to horse shows on both prior and next weekends and expense of removing it and then putting it back. Will need two new board members for 2025 due to pending resignations. Contact people we think might be interested.
Seminar update – Seminar will be at Creekside in Evansville on April 6, 2024, approximately 8-4. Kevin will have handouts printed, needs a week notice. Morning: 8-8:30breakfast; 8:30 1.5 hours Rebecca Gill, from Cotton Creek Farms in Michigan re websites, marketing, social media, etc. is confirmed. 10:30 1.5 hr Jason Gill on the color genetics research done by Lynn Edens. (Short breaks scheduled in as needed.) 12-1 lunch. Afternoon: 1-2 1hr Kevin will present on agritourism. Break as needed. 2:30-3:30 Elden can do a panel for Q&A, including monthly check ups, hands-on alpacas (outdoors if weather permitting). Need to get advertising out, and remind about the show
Discussion ensued re getting more members involved in committee work for show and GLAA.
Jan and Chris are running for the two open GLAA board positions, and sent their statements to Brook. Members received another notice of interest to run for the Board.
Brandy worked on sample logos from which we can choose. Feedback was provided, but no consensus. Elden will give comments to Brandy and discuss.
Meeting adjourned at 6:38 PM.
Next meeting March 18, 2024, 6PM
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Christine Rogers.