Attendees: Kevin, Elden, Chris. Absent: Margery and Jan.
Next seminar will be at Creekside in Evansville on April 6, 2024, approximately 8-4. Will firm up times as speakers are confirmed. Morning: Rebecca Gill, from Cotton Creek Farms in Michigan re websites, social media, etc. is confirmed. Her husband Jason is working on the color genetics research with Lynn Edens if we would like to book him to speak on that. Afternoon: Kevin will present on agritourism. Elden and Kevin can do a panel for Q&A, including monthly check ups, hands-on alpacas (outdoors if weather permitting). We decided to go ahead and try to confirm these four topics. Elden will check on Jason’s availabilty.
Jan and Chris are both running for their GLAA board seats.
Elden will check on any updates for the April GMAF/WISAFF show.
No update on membership efforts with surrounding states. Elden will work on an interest survey for possible members.
Jan sent a couple ideas for a new logo. Brandy has a program to develop 5 sample logos from which we can choose ($200). Elden will share the samples Jan sent. We agreed to go ahead with Brandy, as that is a very good price.
Meeting adjourned at 6:27 PM.
Next meeting Jan 22, 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Christine Rogers.