Present- Leslie, Jan, Chris, Kevin, Elden
Discussion items
Treasurer's report - 8 registrants plus board members for the seminar. Probably will get last-minute sign ups.
March seminar: We will hold the seminar. Elden sent blast to the UW vet students small ruminant club. Kevin is in contact with Dr. Larson regrding equipment, venue will supply screen and projector. Topics include:
-Update on small coccidia (don't forget about Emac!)
-Resistant parasites on the move-especially Barber pole worm
-Lepto as a cause of abortions
-Immune compromised cria-a less expensive treatment than plasma
-Nutrition-cria growth rates, hay testing, feeding programs
Kevin will get 25 copies of handout made through his business account.
Jan will send out one more email blast.
Elden will introduce the speaker. Thank you Elden!
Elden will bring name tags and blanks.
Ronelle joined us to discuss food arrangements. Pastries, cookies, chips, veggie tray from Costco. From local grocery store will get sandwich building items. Coffee, tea, pastries for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch. List of accommodations was sent by Elden.
Evaluation sheets will be on paper so they fill it out. Jan will send to Leslie and she will make copies.
For next year we need ideas for 2024 seminar - location, topics, date, and how to recruit more attendees. Discussion ensued regarding strategies, paid ads, etc. - Elden looking for the 2024 show dates. Tom Olson, Marcus Skildum and Pam Wariner will be leaving the board after this show, so start thinking of possible replacements. 2023 show should be quite successful, will be a good kick-off for 2024. Minnesota doesn't have an affiliate, could look to them. Check out new farms for possible recruits to help with show and GLAA.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45AM
Next meeting Monday, March 27 9AM
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary