GLAA Meeting April 10, 2023
Present- Leslie, Jan, Chris, Kevin, Elden
Discussion items
Reschedule seminar to Sept 30, 2023. Concerns about changing the dates twice, so will need to be firm on that date. Will put a flyer in the show goodie bag. Will donate a GLAA basket with membership, seminar ticket, and alpaca items.
GMAF/WISAFF is filled and has approximately 130 animals registered. Dates are April 29-30, 2023. Chris has the GLAA display. Publicity - Leslie contacted a great journalist (Nicole) and sent the info to Lynn Johnson for details. Hand out seminar info and put flyer in goodie bags and make announcements during the show.
2024 show - Elden has contacted judges and assessed availability. Discussion ensued regarding location at Alliant and exploring new locations. Also need to encourage suri entries as they are low this year.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40
Next meeting Monday, May 15 at 9AM
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary