Present: Leslie Herzog, Jan Clingman, Kevin Stoer, Chris Rogers
Next Seminar March 5, 2022. Kevin is in contact with the new vet student and is making arrangements for the room at UW Madison Veterinary School. Dr. Amanda Onan (Paul Meagher’s daughter) will present the seminar on current issues in the alpaca world. Price might change. It was $55 for members, $65 for neighboring affiliate members, and $110 for non-members. Discussion ensued about the importance of education. Discussion ensued about pricing and membership. Will need to table and announce details later.
Newsletter was out May 5. Next newsletter include seminar information, and each month after. Registration details will follow.
Most likely will be a Wisconsin alpaca show in 2022, in Madison, and include a halter show, walking fleece, and spinoff. So save your fleece for spin off. More info to follow.
Next meeting June 17, 10 AM
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM
Respectfully submitted by Christine Rogers, Secretary